Career Warrior Podcast #349) LinkedIn Tips to Boost Your Profile: The 5 Worst Mistakes Holding You Back

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Your LinkedIn profile is the online representation of your professional brand. Are you accidentally driving opportunities away? 

In this episode, we’re diving into the five biggest LinkedIn mistakes you need to fix today. We’ll cover:

  • Why your photo could be giving off the wrong impression (and how to fix it)
  • The headline mistake that keeps you stuck in the past instead of opening new doors
  • How a bland, AI-generated summary can sabotage your personal brand
  • Why your work experience still isn’t selling you the way it should
  • The hidden power of LinkedIn engagement (and why ignoring it costs you visibility)

Even if you’re not job hunting now, your LinkedIn presence shapes your future opportunities. Tune in to make sure your profile is working for you—not against you.