Wondering how to attract recruiters on LinkedIn with the job offers you want? Check out our tips, including an example of what to do now that LinkedIn’s “Note to Recruiters” feature is gone!
By: Daniel Lorenzo | Marketing Manager at Let’s Eat, Grandma
“If you build it, they will come.”
Did you know this iconic movie quote was actually in reference to the main character’s LinkedIn profile? (Just kidding. But it could have been!)
If you don’t already know, LinkedIn is an invaluable tool for your job search. It’s a great place to not only build your professional network but actually land a job.
Over 20,000 companies use LinkedIn to recruit. About 87 – 95% of all recruiters are actively hunting for candidates like you.
If you build a great LinkedIn profile, recruiters will come… but only if your settings allow them to. LinkedIn’s career platform offers customizable options, so you need to optimize them to be connected with the jobs you want.
LinkedIn recently made some changes to their recruiting tools for job seekers (for example, removing their Note to Recruiters feature.) Find out how to attract recruiters on LinkedIn with these updated tips.
(Need to fix the basics of your profile first? Start here with advice on writing your summary, headline, and more.)
How to Set Up Your Profile to Attract Recruiters on LinkedIn
First, if you visit your profile (under the “Me” icon in the top-right hand corner on LinkedIn), you’ll notice an option reading “Show recruiters you’re open to job opportunities.” Turn this on by hitting “Get Started”.

This option marks your profile as seeking a job. You can choose whether that’s visible to all your connections, or only to recruiters using the LinkedIn Recruiter platform.
If you’re still employed, you can choose “Only Recruiters.” LinkedIn will take steps to hide you from your current company’s recruiters, though they don’t guarantee total privacy.

(Are you job seeking while still employed and want to keep your LinkedIn search undercover? Read this blog. It’s still possible to attract recruiters on LinkedIn without endangering your current job!)
Now, you can tweak a variety of options to be contacted about the right jobs. Attract only the recruiters you want to find you on LinkedIn by setting your desired job titles, locations, and even types of employment.

Another important step to attract recruiters on LinkedIn is integrating relevant keywords throughout your profile. Just like on your resume, you need to include the phrases recruiters are searching for so that you’ll appear in their searches.
(For example: if you’re interested in project manager positions, make sure that phrases like “project manager,” “project management,” or even “PMP” are present in your headline, summary, and experiences.)
Also like your resume, you need to have tangible accomplishments for each job description with metrics and results. Once recruiters discover your profile, they still need proof that you can deliver.
Bonus: If you’re unemployed or your job search is public, go the extra mile by including a call-to-action. Include keywords like “Open to New Opportunities” or “Seeking New Opportunities” in your headline, and make your job search apparent in your summary.
We’ve especially found success by including a request for connections with an email address at the bottom of our summaries, like this:

What to Do About the Missing Note to Recruiters
If you’ve searched for jobs on LinkedIn before, you might remember a tricky little section called the Note to Recruiters in these settings. Your life just got a little easier, because this section has been removed!
(Darn, I had an example Note to Recruiters written up for this blog and everything…)
This change has simplified LinkedIn’s recruiting tools, at least on the job seeker end. However, the Note to Recruiters did allow you to provide some important information about your job search.
Here are a few factors you would have included in this section, and where to put them now:
Specify your search and mention your Must-Haves.
You need to make clear anything that’s not obvious about your search from the above settings. This includes career changes, relocation, or necessary accommodations for the job.
Examples: “Looking to relocate to Seattle,” “looking to pivot by applying eight years of sales experience to B2B marketing,” “need an ADA compliant office,” “not interested in startup positions.”
Alternative places to put this: In your summary, if you’re publicly searching, and in your first message or connection request to each recruiter if you’re searching privately.
Include a Call-to-Action.
Always invite people to take action with your profile, not just glance over it. Ask them to check out your portfolio, recommend connections, or even just read your summary.
Examples: “If you’re interested in seeing examples of my work, view my portfolio on GitHub,” “Read my LinkedIn summary to learn about my story,” “Email me to start a conversation at [email protected].”
Alternative places to put this: In your summary or headline, if you’re publicly searching, and in all of your communications with potential connections!
Follow these tips to attract recruiters on LinkedIn, and you’ll start seeing more job offers.
Need some more help with your LinkedIn profile, resume, or cover letter? We’ve got your back.
Schedule a call with us to find out how our professional writers can help rework your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile to land you that dream job.