If the words “please include a cover letter to be considered for this position” make your heart race and stomach ache, you probably need a cover letter writing service.
It’s true – cover letters are still important in 2023. While they may seem trite to the busy applicant, they’re an important companion to resumes that solidifies your on-paper first impression. It’s an opportunity for you to expand on the nuances of your experience and explain career gaps or industry changes.
Not only do cover letters set you apart from other candidates by showing your personality and elaborating on your unique skill set, they also show recruiters that you care enough about the job to put in the extra time.
Including a cover letter with your application can be the difference between being considered or passed over entirely. If it’s a clearly stated requirement on an application, even the most impressive resume won’t get you a pass on ignoring instructions.
Putting the effort into a good cover letter first will save you time and stress in your job search later. If you haven’t already considered how to acquire a quality cover letter, it’s time to get started.
Reasons to hire a cover letter writing service
Here are a few reasons why it might be worth the time and money to outsource the task.
1. You’re not sure where to begin writing your cover letter

Photo by Elisa Ventur on Unsplash
Writing a cover letter can seem like an intimidating and momentous task. If you’ve been putting off applying to jobs because you’re not even sure how to start, you’re not alone. There are a lot of reasons people struggle to begin their cover letter.
Maybe you don’t consider yourself a strong writer. If your field doesn’t require a lot of writing, you might be out of practice or insecure about your writing skills, and aren’t sure if writing it yourself will hurt more than help you.
That’s OK! Everyone is good at something, and it’s a professional cover letter writer’s job to help show what you excel at. They know exactly what cover letter formats work best for different industries, and they can apply their skills in keywords to ensure that you don’t get skipped over for something as small as phrasing.
Even if you are confident in your writing ability, it might be the first time you’ve written a cover letter. You may not even know what it should look like, let alone what the contents should be. You can look over popular cover letter templates to learn proper formatting, but only a cover letter writer can help you fill it out with your specific experience and skill set.
Perhaps your job search is taking you in multiple directions, and you’re considering changing industries. While you know how to write a cover letter for your sector, you might be unsure what keywords are the secret to success in this new territory.
Regardless of where your job search goes, a professional writer can help you create an adaptable cover letter that can apply to several positions and industries. They can help you explain why you’re changing industries and demonstrate your most transferable skills, and advise you on whether you need one cover letter or multiple.
It’s hard to put your best food forward when you’re not confident in the medium. A professional cover letter writer is well versed in both the style and the format, and will ensure your cover letter accurately portrays who you are as a professional.
2. You find it hard to write about yourself

Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash
A cover letter needs to be braggy, which is hard for some people. If you’re not sure how to write about your accomplishments, don’t leave them out–ask for help.
It can also be difficult for some people to recognize what they’ve accomplished in their career. You might be too close to the situation to clearly communicate it, or you may be facing imposter syndrome. But struggling to pin down the details of what makes you a unique professional doesn’t mean you have to end up with a bland cover letter.
The benefits of a cover letter writing service are immeasurable in this area. Not only does a professional cover letter writer know the right keywords to use to fully encompass your skills and accomplishments, but they also are able to look at it from a completely objective point of view. You may be surprised to see the overall impact you have had throughout your career once a cover letter writer drafts your document.
The writers at a cover letter service know how to look at a resume and identify your most impactful efforts. They can construct a targeted cover letter based on this information that is comprehensive, compelling, and clearly sets you apart from other applicants.
Remember that there isn’t anything wrong with praising yourself in a resume or cover letter! You are showing potential employers everything you can bring to the table, so make sure your key accomplishments are included, even if it makes you a little red in the face.
3. You’re too busy to actually study the job description and write a tailored cover letter

Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash
A cover letter needs to be specific and tailored to be effective. A boring, generic cover letter is barely worth the time it takes to write, as it is incredibly easy to tell little effort was put in (which doesn’t lend to a lot of interviews.)
If you only have a short amount of time set aside for your job hunt, it’s going to be difficult to adapt your cover letter to each position.
Each recruiter looks for something different. This is often plainly expressed in the job description. However, if you’ve been staring at the screen for hours, all of the requirements and expectations may have blurred together, and it can feel impossible to keep them all straight.
But that doesn’t mean you should waste your time (or theirs) by submitting a cover letter that is irrelevant and uninformative. This will only end up countering the precious time you’re putting in to finding a new job and leave you frustrated. You can save yourself both energy and stress by seeking help from a cover letter writing service.
Professional cover letter writers know what to highlight in a job description to make the best use of the page (and recruiter’s time.) They can also give you advice on how to update your cover letter in the future for other jobs if your search takes you in a new direction.
If you’re switching industries, you may not even be sure what’s most important to the recruiters in the sector–and not everyone has the time and energy to do the research to find out. But a cover letter writing service is filled with practiced professionals who are well-versed in multiple industries, and know how to clearly and concisely explain one’s interest in a new industry.
If you have your heart set on a specific position, a cover letter writing service is the best investment you can make. A professional cover letter writer can tailor your document to show the recruiter that you’re exactly what they’re looking for, regardless of your unique work history. It’s the easiest way to put your best foot forward.
4. You’re a writer

Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash
It might sound counterintuitive, but if you write for a living, the idea of writing a cover letter might just sound like more work – and job hunting is already exhausting enough.
You might also be used to writing in a different style. For example, you may be practiced in technical writing for medical journals or manuals, and aren’t as familiar with a cover letter’s compelling narrative. Maybe you’re a practiced prose writer who excels at fiction, but struggles to communicate in industry jargon.
Everyone has their niche, and some are easier to adopt than others. If the last thing you want to do in your off time is figure out how to write tailored cover letters for each position you’re interested in, a cover letter writing service may be exactly what you need.
Even the best writers can struggle to convey their own experience and accomplishments. What may be a normal day of writing for you might be the key to maintaining internal communications, or the edge that pushes up a business’s SEO ranking to secure more sales. The objective view of a cover letter writer can sometimes be the best way to show your unique impact on the companies you’ve worked for.
Additionally, writers often have a tendency to be highly critical of their own work. If you have a cover letter but you keep picking at it because it never seems good enough, consider getting a fresh pair of eyes on it. A professional can help you see the strengths and weaknesses in your document from a knowledgeable and unbiased perspective.
Ready for more job search help?
Sign up for a free Senior Writer Resume Critique to see what’s holding you back from landing interviews. One of our top professional resume writers will give you personalized feedback on the top 3 items you can improve based on our expert practices!