Career Warrior Podcast #317) Sam Owens: How to NOT Hate Your Next Job Interview

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Interviews. Whether you can’t stand them or actually enjoy them, being good at interviews is still a crucial skill to have if you want to snag “the good jobs”.

If you think you rock at interviewing, hold on a moment. Do yourself a favor and take a step back. In a survey encompassing over 2,000 responses from our own clients at Let’s Eat, Grandma, the vast majority gave themselves either a 4 or a perfect 5 out of 5 for their interviewing skills.

It seems many are a bit too confident when it comes to interviews. After all, if everyone views themselves as above average, we’d end up with a lopsided bell curve. The reality is that most folks are just average at interviewing. However, for you, the career warriors gunning for the top positions, I’m calling you to be above average.

So, consider this episode a moment to humble yourself and be receptive to picking up a thing or two about those interviews you may or may not hate.

Today I brought on the charismatic and witty Sam Owens.

Sam Owens is the founder of Sam’s Career Talk where he provides career coaching services and helps people land their dream jobs and thrive in them. He is the author of I HATE JOB INTERVIEWS, an exciting book that will be released by HarperCollins in June of 2024. He is also a chief marketing officer who has worked for three multi-billion dollar companies in the consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry, and now runs marketing for Freezing Point, the makers of Frazil.