New Year, New Career Goals: Aligning Your Resume & LinkedIn With Your Career Vision
While I’m not much of a resolution-maker, I am a strong believer in new-year self-reflection. The new year is a fresh opportunity to reevaluate, and maybe even reimagine, your career trajectory. It’s a chance to assess where you are, where you want to go, and what...
Investing $1K for a $55K Return: A Transformative Career Journey
Recently, we came across a LinkedIn post that stopped us in our tracks. What if you could spend $1K today and see a $55K return in just two years? Most of us would jump at the chance. This is the story of someone who did just that. Burnt out in a claims career, Sarah...
How to Address a Layoff on Your Resume and Cover Letter
How to Address a Layoff on Your Resume and Cover Letter Getting laid off stinks. Fortunately, you’re not the only one this has happened to, and your situation is completely understandable. Here’s how to address your layoff on your resume and cover letter....
How to Transition to a New Industry: Skills Translation & Networking
If you’re planning on a career change, you shouldn’t be feeling that you’re doing it alone. Did you know that 60% of adults have changed careers at least once? That continues to be the norm in our fast-paced, ever-changing job market (and we’re...