Interested in a Let’s Eat, Grandma resume, and curious about who you’ll work with? Read on for an interview with one of our professional resume writers, Morgan Sicklick.
Here at Let’s Eat, Grandma, we’re extremely proud of our talented and diverse team of professional resume writers. That’s why we started this series, where our Managing Editor sits down with each one to discuss their background,
motivation, and what they love best about writing resumes. This month, we talked to Morgan Sicklick, a senior resume writer who has been writing for Let’s Eat, Grandma since 2020.

Morgan Sicklick
Hi, Morgan! How long have you been working as a Let’s Eat, Grandma resume writer? Why did you decide to apply?
I have been working for Let’s Eat, Grandma since May 2020. I was actually inspired to apply to LEG to become a resume writer by my younger sister, Alexis! Alexis joined LEG back when the company was first beginning and would always
share updates with me during our weekly catch ups. When she mentioned the company was hiring, I decided it was the right time to apply as it was during the pandemic and my work as a professional dancer was a little slower heading into
the summer months. LEG really turned out to be the perfect fit. With flexible hours, wonderful leadership and mentors, and an opportunity to try something new while helping job seekers achieve their full potential, I was excited to join
the LEG family!
What attracted you to resume writing?
My work as a professional resume writer began with LEG. As a dancer, I am very physical in my day-to-day life and I was curious to use my brain in a new way. While I’m constantly being creative, problem-solving on an individual and
collaborative level, and analyzing movement down to the tiniest details, I was eager to put those skills to use in a different manner. I also found the idea of a work-from-home job very appealing.
Moreover, I loved writing as a child and all throughout my schooling. While I was primarily drawn to poetry, more recently, I had been toying with the idea of becoming a non-profit grant writer as a second career once I decided to
“retire” from dancing. I realized that resume writing and grant writing have many things in common – in both instances, you’re advocating for an individual or organization, identifying and highlighting their strengths and offerings, and
helping them realize success. Resume writing was also an opportunity to expand and hone my professional writing skills, understand the requirements of different industries, and learn to better listen to and communicate with individuals
from diverse backgrounds.
What’s your favorite part about resume writing at Let’s Eat, Grandma?
I love working with our clients! I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with clients from all over the world at all different stages in their careers. During a time where they may be feeling lost, vulnerable, or stressed, I’ve been
honored to be, in a way, a small support system. Many clients, once you get them talking, are eager to share their story. This is my favorite part because I really get to connect with them on a personal level. I’ve walked away from so
many consultations saying to myself, “Wow, that person was awesome and I’m so excited to help them.” These genuine interactions are what inspire me in my work as a writer. And, it’s always fun to show our clients that they really are
incredible humans with talent, heart, and potential.
However, I am very grateful for our amazing team of leaders. I’ve learned from many managers over the past three years, all of whom have a wide base of knowledge within the writing and job seeking fields but who are also incredibly
kind. I’m never uncomfortable asking a question or reaching out for help, always feel supported in challenging situations, and have loved getting to know them both personally and professionally. Their guidance and trust has certainly
helped me realize new potential in my own career and has helped build my confidence as a writer, communicator, mentor, and human being.
What is the most challenging part about resume writing?
Resume writing most certainly has a learning curve. From organizing and formatting a document, adhering to best grammar and writing practices, and selecting the right content to include, it can be overwhelming and take some time to
adapt! I would say one of the most challenging aspects is finding a balance between making the client happy, staying true to what is required of a resume and what the job description is asking for, and choosing the best content to
incorporate. It’s a lot of information to process at once, and sometimes the writer’s choices will not coincide with what the client had in mind. By listening intently to the client’s needs and meeting them where they are at, I’ve found
that the process is much smoother. There are certain practices that we should always adhere to, but sometimes compromise is the way to go. If a client is set on including information that isn’t completely necessary but won’t take away
from the quality of the resume, I will include it so they feel comfortable and confident with the document that will represent them and their achievements.
What advice can you give for anyone considering purchasing a resume writing service and working with a professional resume writer?
I would say a resume writing service and working with a writer can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it is truly a collaboration. To enable the best outcome, open and consistent communication is key along with a true commitment
to the process. Everyone’s lives are busy, but I would say collaborations work best when clients do have the time in between family, jobs, and other circumstances that arise to answer detailed questions, research desired positions, and
fully review drafts. On both ends of the collaboration, there can be many questions and concerns. Staying open to multiple possibilities and being willing to learn new information are useful mindsets. Additionally, it can be a
vulnerable experience for clients! It’s not always easy to face the fears associated with job hunting, recognize and communicate your own talents, or share sensitive information with someone you barely know. As resume writers, we are
also storytellers and the more personal a connection we can establish with our clients, the better the final product will be.
Ready for more job search help?
Sign up for a free Senior Writer Resume Critique to see what’s holding you back from landing interviews. One of our top professional resume writers will give you personalized feedback on the top 3 items you can improve based on our expert practices!